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I welcome all my friends and guests to my blog, I look forward to listening and sharing thoughts of what makes you happy!! :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Looking for happiness

Lots of people search for happiness everyday, but most of the time they don't truly know what they are looking for.  Some are looking for a good feeling of some kind, perhaps their needs change with their moods; but happiness does not mean the same to all of us.  Have you ever thought about the fact that what makes you happy, doesnt make me happy, if we are together, does that means that we are not happy? Can we be differently happy together? In my opinion, we can.  Have you met someone that has all the right keys to be happy, but isn't? I know a few.  Have you ever met someone, that you just can't understand why they are so happy? I know some too.  Traveling with my family makes me happy, happier than anything else.  What about you? Tell me what you think, or simply what makes you happy.


  1. I totally agree with you,I know a couple of people that I just can't understand why they are not happy. And then sometimes I wonder why can't we agree on happy moments, when we are all together.

  2. I have been been asking everyone around me what makes you happy, you won't believe the answers, it ranges from a cup of coffee, a cigarette, one more hour of sleep, being healthy, a phone call from my dad, eating 1 dessert without worring about my sugar going high, vacation with my family, a bed to myself, I can go on for days. I am trying to see what is the most popular answer, ask around you, and you will be surprise what people say!!!

  3. You know, today I am so happy to be a teacher!
    Your blog is really nice. Congratulations!

  4. Violeta, you just made me happy, a very happy student!!! Thank you!

  5. I can never find happiness. It comes from within. I am not happy inside.

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    Hope to see you real soon!

  6. Futomara, I hope that someday you will find happines within, maybe someone will secretly plant a little seed that will gradually grow into a good feeling, just be ready so when it happens you are can multiply it. Meanwhile find something positive that gives you a satisfaction, it is hard,but thru your words you may give hope to others.

  7. Today I am very happy because my husband is recovering very well from his surgery. Thank you God for putting him in my life, give me the tolerance, patience and wisdom to positively impact the lives of the people I love. Actions speak louder than words, so let my actions show others how much I care.

  8. Hey everyone, I found something called Project Happiness in Womansday Magazine, very interesting here is their website: http://www.womansday.com/Articles/Topic/The_Happiness_Project.html copy and paste to your browser and read what is all about, you won't regreted, is tips to your quest for happiness, we all can use a little help :)

  9. My favorite season of the year has arrived, the month of December is the month that stresses everyone whether you can or cannot afford a gift, but in the end you find out that the material things are not the ones that matter, is the intangible stuff, is the feelings, the giving and the love.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. A New year, new dreams, new resolutions that may not go farther than a wish, at least for me that is what usually happens. I forget to pursue or get lazy, so I guess I don't want it bad enough. Because if I did they become achievements. Maybe we should just try to change bad habits that get in our way...if we scan our habits and we acknowledge what they are, maybe we can change those. That is what I will work on this year, I will take one at a time, bad habits not resolutions, I will let you know what happens, my first bad habit is: "I will organize later", I will let you know in a week how it goes...

  12. Still working on bad habits, lots of stuff going on. Out of all the wrongs something positive will come, I have Faith. I forgot how much love hurts, specially at fifteen, trying to help my daughter go thru it.

  13. What happens when happiness is shattered by a fire, a fire that destroys a home. Thank God no one was injured, but besides dealing with great loss, then you must deal with insurance, but even worst are the sharks attacking you to get all your insurance money!!!!
